"How Old Are They Now??"

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Getting crafty & party planning.

After MUCH slacking...
I Set a date...

Sunday, November 27th

for Colton's first birthday party.

"We are having a little birthday party shin-diggity thinga-ma-jig at our house to celebrate the first year of Colton's life so come join for some cuppy cakes and whatever the heck I decide to cook!"

I am planning on making everything, and just getting a few necessities like ingredients for the meal I cook..(if I cook, I have a lot of wonderful people offering to help me with that and I am def going to take them up on that) But the decorations, cake, snacks, and presents will be attempted to be made from ideas I've been "pinning" for a month or so. the babies will like it, Aaron will have fun and it's going to be extremely budget friendly & adorable.

Birthday boy turns 1 this month!! Can't believe it!

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